Monday, October 21, 2013

October Classroom Updates!

Check under the class tabs to see recent updates! I've added the latest classroom activities and experiences for 3/4 DEB, 5/6 DEB, and Advanced Math!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Getting into the Swing of Things!

Well, it's been a week and a half of classes, and we are all getting used to the schedule and working together as a group. Students in DEB (Differentiated Engagement Block) classes have begun their first units of study.

In 3/4 Grade, we are studying Questions. In this unit, we will focus on three essential questions:
How have questions played an important role in the development of society? How do questions inspire technological advances? How can questions be dangerous? By exploring different facets of these questions, students will come to understand that people are curious, curiosity causes people to ask questions and seek answers to those questions, questions drive the evolution of society, and questioning can be controversial.

In 5/6 Grade, we are studying the concept of Ages, exploring the essential questions: What is age? What does coming of age mean? How does age effect one's life? We will look at how age can be used to discriminate and infringe on civil rights, that coming of age is celebrated in many cultures, and that technology plays an important role throughout the ages.

These units will require a lot of discussion, higher level thinking about the focus concepts, and eventually, we will be working on researching how both Questions and Ages have had an effect on society over time.