Saturday, June 13, 2015

Ms. Askeland's Summer Reading Challenge Update #1


I finished my first book of the summer today! Learn Like a Pirate, by Dave Burgess, reminds teachers how important it is to create lessons that engage students. The book was easy to read and had a lot of ideas that will help me plan some fun and memorable lessons for next year!

DEB students: Don't forget to use the Google Form (in the post below) to enter books you've read this summer! Keep on reading!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Ms. Askeland’s Summer Reading Challenge!

Ms. Askeland’s
Summer Reading Challenge!

I’ve decided, like many students, I need to do more reading at home! This summer, I am going to be challenging my DEB students to read more books than I do! Students can record the books/pages they read over the summer and submit entries on the following Google Form site:

How to enter a book you’ve finished to your summer reading list:
  1. 1.     Just use your school log-in to Google Chrome.
  2. 2.     Enter the link: (will be on my blog, as well)
  3. 3.     Fill out the information on the form and submit it.

At the beginning of the school year, I will print out the books students have entered and require a parent signature for verification. Students who read more books than I do will get to attend a lunchtime pizza party in my room in September. The student who reads the most books will receive a $20 gift card from Anderson’s Bookshops!

I will be updating my classroom blog with my reading list during the summer! Hope you will join me!

Dates of program: June 11 – August 26, 2015
Eligibility: Must be in Ms. Askeland’s 3/4 or 5/6 DEB Class

Contact me at with any questions or issues logging onto the google form!